At Empowering Health, we offer Biofeedback to assist with optimizing your well-being.
What is Biofeedback? Biofeedback is a modern health maintenance tool that was developed in the early 1970's. It uses sensitive monitors to detect certain biological functions, and then gives you immediate information, usually displayed on a computer screen. This “biological feedback”, with the help of a trained practitioner, enables you to make positive changes in the way your body functions.
Biofeedback can be used for chronic pain, because excess muscle tension can cause or worsen headaches or back, neck, jaw or other pain. In these situations, instruments are used to painlessly monitor the muscles in the affected area and display the information to you on a monitor. Through this, you learn to identify what is excessive muscle tension vs. normal muscle states, and how to minimize stress in this area during activities of daily living.
In Biofeedback at Empowering Health, the following are modalities used:
Muscle biofeedback (surface EMG or sEMG - similar to an EKG)
Hand temperature
Heart Rate Variability (also known as HRV or RSA)
Developing and using these skills is an enjoyable process and people of every age and background can learn to do this quickly and easily.
What conditions can be treated with Biofeedback? Biofeedback is helpful with the following conditions:
peak performance issues
management of medical conditions such as chronic pain or disabilities